Friday, April 17, 2009

etcetera etcetera etcetera...

sorry about that last post... so funny story...

i got a kitten...

Her name oh you guessed it.

is etcetera...

she loqve5rrrrrrrr

love my computer. alot.

pppppp nnnnnnnnnnfblog posted. she posted it. well i was trying to write and she hit enter and posted it herself. she loves to play on the keyboard of my computer. i think she sees me typeing and wants to try it herself. she is the most beautiful cat ever... ( q and d say she has to stay outside... sigh...)

anyway i gtg. because she keeps try8ing to type. lol

but right now she is purrin and trying to hide behind my hair on my shoulders...

she keeps smelling me too. i think she thinks she is a dog... silly kitty...

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