Friday, January 23, 2009

late night poetry...

late night poetry

Dear God,
i know you want to hold me.
i know you want to be there
yet i cant help fight these hands holding on
yet you still seem to care.
and though i try and turn from you
you hold on tighter now
i try to run away from it all
still you press on but how?
im so afraid of whats to come
of my future and my past
you are so strong still holding me
yet i feel i still wont last
still i yearn to break away
from all i know is right
im so lost alone out here
the world cold as black twilight
so cruel they all are to me
does no one understand
i break away from it all
and still i feel your hand
how worthless do i feel my God
yet you are always here
you still hold onto me dearly
and wipe away my tear.
i feel i am not worthy
of the love you offer me
and still your mighty hands
are holding onto me...

1 comment:

N G Robeson said...

That's beautiful! Well said.